Well, I'm back from vacation, and this was a great trip to Erie with my family and my brother-in-law's family! We had a trip to the zoo last Monday, and RJ got a kick out of it.
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There was an indoor water park connected to our hotel, so that's where we spent most of the day Tuesday. RJ wasn't feeling the splash zone for kids at first, but he eventually warmed up to it!
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Wednesday afternoon was spent on the beach at Lake Erie. RJ's first beach experience was fun, and as you can see, he thought the sand was good enough to taste test.
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And on the way home Thursday, we all stopped at a spillway to stretch our legs and feed the carp and geese. RJ was taking all in!
So that was my vacation in a nutshell. As enjoyable as it was, it'll be great to be back on the mic this afternoon. Talk to y'all at 3!